Your heart is the pump that delivers oxygen and nourishment to all of your body’s tissues. A healthy existence is based on keeping it in excellent condition. Your cardiovascular health will boost if you implement these suggestions into your regular routine.
1.Exercise Daily
Being physically active is a key component of having a healthy heart. It’s one of the best way for for strengthening the heart muscle from damage caused by excessive cholesterol, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure that can cause a heart attack or stroke. It also helps in managing your weight.
2. A Good Balanced Diet
Add more heart-healthy foods to your diet such as guacamole, leafy green vegetables, berries, meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein
3.Don’t Stress
A rise in blood pressure and a quicker heart rate are only two of the more than 1,400 physiological reactions to stress. If you don’t control your stress, it might build up and keep you stuck in a cycle of tension.
4. Quit Smoking
Smoking makes blood vessels more likely to develop plaque. When arteries provide blood to the heart muscle and are clogged with clots or constricted by plaque, which results in coronary heart disease . Smoke from cigarettes contains chemicals that make blood thicken and clot in veins and arteries.